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It's you speaking!

April 4, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 04- 04 Third Edition

President Faye reaffirms his agenda of a prosperous Senegal as the country marks its 64th independence anniversary. The Togolese government again postpone legislative and regional elections earlier slated for April 20, 2024 In Liberia, Thousands of students petition the Ministry…

ENVIROSCOPE – Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Do you know that deforestation and forest degradation continue to take place at alarming rates and contribute significantly to the ongoing loss of biodiversity with millions of hectares lost to conversion? One of the many impacts of this environmental menace…


Senegal’s Independence Day celebration offers the Senegalese people the opportunity to celebrate their rich, cultural heritage and traditions. Traditional music, a blend of vocals and Wolof instrumentations fills the air. Traditional dance and special dishes also make the day special…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 04 Second Edition

President Faye reaffirms his agenda of a prosperous Senegal as the country marks its 64th independence anniversary. The Togolese government again postpones legislative and regional elections earlier slated for April 20, 2024 In Liberia, Thousands of students petition the Ministry…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 04 First Edition

President Bassirou Diomaye reaffirms his agenda of a prosperous Senegal as the country marks its 64th independence anniversary. The Togolese government again postpone the legislative and regional elections earlier slated for April 20, 2024 And in Liberia, Thousands of students…