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It's you speaking!

Efforts to refloat Suez Canal ship receives boost

Hope rose Sunday in Egypt when efforts to free a ship – the MV Ever Given which has blocked the Suez Canal for seven days reached its peak. The blockage has crippled international trade and caused loses worth billions of…

DRC President arrives in Qatar for official visit

President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on Sunday, arrived in Doha – Qatar, for an official visit. President Tshisekedi who is the current President of the African Union was in the Middle Eastern country on the…

Gambia suspends over 20 anti-narcotic officers

The Gambia's Drug Law Enforcement Agency has suspended more than 20 narcotic agents after testing positive for illicit drugs including cannabis. The entire staff of the agency recently underwent a narcotic test as part of the security sector and the…

Gabon seeks more gender equality

Ranked 41st out of 48 countries in sub-Saharan Africa in a World Bank survey called "Women, Business and Law" in 2021, the Gabonese government has taken a step further to strengthen the position of women in Gabonese society. Atiewin Mbillah-Lawson…

Gambia: Parliament upholds ban on skin bleaching

The National Assembly Members of the Gambia have voted to uphold the anti-bleaching law enacted by former President Yahya Jammeh. This comes after the Barrow government re-tabled the bill to the assembly seeking to repeal what it says is discriminatory against…