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March 13, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 03- 13 Second Edition

Guinean Civic Groups Resist Authorities Extension of Transition Period Amidst ECOWAS Agreed Timetable Dispute. Fishermen in Senegal set the agenda for the incoming government Security Forces in The Gambia Detain Over 50 Foreigners in Anti-Drug Raid Near Banjul. In Liberia,…


The International Federation of Women Lawyers (IFWL) has expressed disappointment in the slow pace of work regarding the passage of Ghana’s Affirmative Action Bill. Efforts have been underway since 2011 to enact an Affirmative Action (Gender Equality) Law in alignment…

NewsLink 2024- 03- 13 First Edition

Guinean Civic Groups Resist Authorities Extension of Transition Period Amidst ECOWAS Agreed Timetable Dispute. Nigerien Authorities Modify Military Procurement Laws, Removing Oversight as the public expresses concern. Courtroom Chaos interrupts Trial of Former Guinea-Bissau Officials accused of Embezzlement of Millions…