It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

Gambia: CSOs decry exclusion from Covid-19 fight

Civil society organizations in The Gambia have tendered their disappointment with the Gambia government for sidelining them as the country battles to contain the spread of the novel corona virus.  The groups have called on the government to engage with…

Sierra Leone to rerun disputed parliamentary election

Some huge efforts and resources are expected to be put into re-conducting Constituency 110 Parliamentary election next Saturday on the outskirts of Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. As Patrick Sallia reports, this is the second time the National Electoral…

Save the Children advocates support for child migrants

Save the Children has warned of concerns for the mental wellbeing of children who are in overcrowded conditions after making the life threatening sea crossing alone from the West African coast to the Canary Islands.  It said in a statement…

Include indigenous people in conservation efforts, RRI urges

A group of more than 150 collaborators, led by Campaign for Nature and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) is calling on governments and conservation leaders to include indigenous people in all biodiversity discussions.  The group says current conservation approaches have…