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It's you speaking!

April 3, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 04- 03 Third Edition

New prime minister Ousman Sonko assures collaborative efforts to ensure Senegal’s sovereignty Liberian Representatives disrupt parliamentary session over delayed endorsement of war and economic crimes court resolution. IOM and partners rescue 149 Sierra Leonean Migrants stranded abroad Nigerian Authority To…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 03 Second Edition

Reactions trail Ousmane Sonko’s appointment as Prime Minister An NGO, protection cluster reports over sixteen thousand rights violations in Mali last year due to the deteriorating security situation. Nigerian Authority To Cut Electricity Subsidy To Ease Pressure On Public Finances…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 03 First Edition

Senegal’s newly inaugurated president Diomaye Faye appoints Party leader – Ousmane Sonko as head of government. An NGO, protection cluster reports over sixteen thousand rights violations in Mali last year due to the deteriorating security situation. Members of House Representatives…