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It's you speaking!

March 22, 2024


A topical issue in Senegal is the high rate of unemployment affecting many young graduates in the country. Many have completed their training, but still struggle in the job market. Now this pre-election period provides an opportunity for these unemployed…

NewsLink 2024- 03- 22 Third Edition

Senegal Gears Up for Presidential Election with Hundreds of International Observers Arriving In The Country. Niger Military Seizes Cache of War Equipment and American Documents Bound for Côte d’Ivoire. The Dixxim Court In Guinea Reclassifies September 28, 2009 Incidents Ahead…

NewsLink 2024- 03- 22 Second Edition

Senegal’s Constitutional council rejects the announced withdrawal of two Presidential candidates ahead of March 24th Election. Niger Military Seizes Cache of War Equipment and American Documents Bound for Côte d’Ivoire. The Burkinabe transitional authority revokes mining licenses of international extractive…

NewsLink 2024- 03- 22 First Edition

Senegalese Presidential Race Intensifies as Candidate Withdrawals Shift Alliances Ahead of March 24th Election. Niger Military Seizes Cache of War Equipment and American Documents Bound for Côte d’Ivoire. Liberia’s Former Ruling Party Threatens Militant Recruitment to Protect Ex-President Weah Amid…