It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

February 8, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 02- 08 Third Edition

ECOWAS enters an emergency summit to discuss political situations in Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso Over forty civil society organizations in Senegal allied against the Presidential election postponement set February 13 for a nationwide protest. Parliamentarians in Ghana’s parliament caution…

ENVIROSCOPE – Green Energy Solution

This episode’s theme focuses on the Green Energy solution, an issue more than ever before taking centre stage as Global energy experts, climate activists and environmentalists advocate a just transition from traditional to eco-friendly sources. The desire is increasingly being…

NewsLink 2024- 02- 08 Second Edition

ECOWAS holds emergency summit to discuss political situations in Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso Guinea’s Transitional Authorities Admit Mobile Internet Disruption and Radio Station Shutdown Following Rising Concerns. Burkinabe Transitional Government Affirms Exit from ECOWAS, Citing Article 91 of the…

DISCOVERY – The Gurara Waterfalls

Where are we exploring today? Nigeria! This country boasts many enchanting waterfalls. One of the most outstanding, however, is called Gurara Waterfalls. This edition of the Discovery, Usman Umar in Abuja, takes us on a journey to Niger State, North…