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It's you speaking!

January 4, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 01- 04 Third Edition

The platform of Armed Independence groups in northern Mali rejects the proposed Inter-Malian Dialogue by Colonel Assimi Goita. The Ivorian Court of Auditors indicts several ministries in financial scandals and non-execution projects worth billions of dollars. The Federal Government of…

NewsLink 2024- 01- 04 Second Edition

ECOWAS Proposes Nigeria for Ex-President Koroma’s Relocation as Sierra Leone Charges him with Treason. Yewwi Askanwi Coalition Gains Visibility Amid Senegal’s Constitutional Council Candidates Sponsorships Reviews. Mali’s Permanent Strategic Framework Rejects Goïta’s Inter-Malian Dialogue, Marking an End to the Algiers…