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It's you speaking!

December 11, 2023

NewsLink 2023- 12- 11 Third Edition

Nigerien Junta leader General Abdourhamane Tiani reaffirms his government’s determination to remove Nigeriens out of poverty despite sanctions. Captain Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso underscores his achievements on the country 63rd anniversary UN Mission in Mali Concludes Operations Today Amid…

MALI: MINUSMA officially ends its activities in the country

MINUSMA will officially end its activities in the country today. The Mali office played a pivotal role in stabilizing the region. It facilitated local peace agreements and supported various initiatives fostering social cohesion. However the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 11 Second Edition

ECOWAS Considers Easing Sanctions on Niger Amid Concerns Over Prolonged Detention of Deposed President Bazoum. UN Mission in Mali Concludes Operations Today Amid 310 Peacekeepers Lost in Stabilizing Efforts. Guinean Press Unions Declare ‘No-Press-Day’ in Protest Against High Communications Authority’s…


In the first part of this edition, we will be discussing wellness, an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Now people often think about wellness in terms of physical health —…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 11 First Edition

ECOWAS to ease sanctions imposed on Niger as it expresses worry over continuous detention of deposed President Bazoum MINUSMA to officially end its activities in MALI today Press Unions in Guinea declare today a “no-press-day” in protest of infringements on…