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It's you speaking!

April 25, 2023

NewsLink 2023- 04- 25 Third Edition

Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, on Tuesday, announced a moderate economic growth projection of 7.2% and a decline in inflation to 3.5%. Presenting the state of the nation to Parliament, President Ouattara said despite the difficult global economic context, the Ivorian…


Liberia was founded in 1922 by free slaves from the United States of America and gained independence on July 26, 1847. Since then the country was stable enjoying a one-party system until April 14, 1979, when the country experienced its…

NewsLink 2023- 04- 25 Second Edition

Nigeria’s President-Elect Tinubu Returnsto the Country after 36 Days Out of Public View. Senegal’s Idrissa Seck Resigns as Head of Council, for the 2024 Presidential Bid. The World Bank Pays three hundred and seventy-two Million Dollars to Cover Ghana’s Eurobond…

NewsLink 2023- 04- 25 First Edition

Nigeria’s President-Elect Tinubu Returnsto the Country after 36 Days Out of Public View. Senegal’s Idrissa Seck Resigns as Head of Council, for 2024 Presidential Bid. The World Bank Pays three hundred seventy-two Million Dollars to Cover Ghana’s Eurobond Amid Debt…