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It's you speaking!


Why many migrate to mining communities

One of the most significant impacts of mining activity is the migration of people into a mine area, particularly where the mine represents the single most important economic activity. The success of some mining migrants in these areas has encouraged…

The role of CSOs in mining communities

Civil society organizations have played an important role in enhancing transparency and good governance in developing countries’ mining sector. A member of Civil Society, in Nigeria’s Plateau State, Pam Fulus Chomo, says CSOs operate on three principles to include, participation,…

How Ghana’s mining sector loses over $6bn yearly

Research has revealed that Ghana loses over 6 billion dollars to irresponsible mining and environmental degradation.  The deprivation and destruction in mining areas have also attracted enormous interest from Civil Society Organizations which play critical roles in many facets of…

The importance of mother language

International Mother Language Day is commemorated each year on February 21.  It was designated by United Nations as a day to recognize and accord importance to languages and multilingualism in order to advance inclusion and attain the Sustainable Development Goals…