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It's you speaking!

Cape Verde holds parliamentary election

Cape Verde held parliamentary elections on Sunday, with ruling party Movement For Democracy (MpD) pitted against its main challenger, the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV). Cape Verde stands out as a pocket of relative stability in…

Belgium sends emergency COVID-19 aid to Guinea

The government of Belgium is sending 760,000 masks to Conakry via the emergency aid mechanism B-FAST.  The government in a statement said by doing so, it is responding to the request for aid that Guinea submitted to the EU Civil…

Benin’s Talon retains power after sweeping victory

Beninese President Patrice Talon has been re-elected with 86% of the vote. The electoral commission announced the provisional result on Tuesday night, in a poll where the head of state was facing virtually unknown opposition candidates. While observers from ECOWAS…