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It's you speaking!

Telecom tarriff hike hits hard on Liberians

Telecommunication subscribers in Liberia are expressing frustrations after the two leading GSM companies, Orange Liberia and Lonestar Cell MTN increased the price of voice calls and internet data services. The decision to increase surcharges according to the telecommunication providers are…

Liberia: Police probe death of LRA officials

Police in Liberia have launched an investigation into the unexplained death of two citizens, Albert K. Peters and Gifty A. Lamah, employees of the Liberia Revenue Authority or LRA.  The late Peters was an internal auditor at the LRA, while…

Nigeria: ISWAP releases five abducted gov’t officials

Five officials of a Borno State government ministry abducted last month by members of the Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) have been freed. The authorities say the five civil servants who work with the state ministry for reconstruction, rehabilitation and…

Burkina Faso Election: Filing of candidacy closes

In Burkina Faso, the Independent National Election Commission (CENI) closed last Friday the reception of candidacy files for the upcoming presidential election.  The commission received 23 candidacies, among them, files deemed incomplete for lack of sponsorship, non-payment of the deposit…