It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

April 12, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 04- 12 Third Edition

Political parties and civil society organizations in Mali criticise the junta’s suspension of their activities as an attack on democratic freedoms. Togolese opposition groups insist on a two-day massive protest over alleged constitutional maneuverer despite a ban on demonstrations. And…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 12 Second Edition

Senegalese government confirms plans to renegotiate oil, gas, and mining contracts as it conducts a forensic audit on various deals Opposition political parties in Togo to begin two days protests, despite a ban on demonstrations Four people confirmed dead and…

NewsLink 2024- 04- 12 First Edition

Senegalese government confirms plans to renegotiate oil, gas, and mining contracts as it conducts a forensic audit on various deals Political parties and CSOs in Mali criticise suspension of the activities of political parties and associations by the transitional government…