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It's you speaking!

December 12, 2023

NewsLink 2023- 12- 12 Third Edition

Authorities in COTE D’IVOIRE lift judicial sanction for two Ivorian opposition figures The wait begins as Dakar Court of First Instance Reopens Sonko’s Eligibility Case Ahead of 2024 Election. At least 23 people kidnap, 6 injured in an armed attack…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 12 Second Edition

The United Peacekeeping Force in Mali to begin liquidation of facilities in 2024 as it ends decade decade-long mission Dakar Court of first instance Reopens Osman Sonko’s Eligibility Case Ahead of 2024 Election. Federal Lawmakers in Nigeria pledge more than…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 12 First Edition

The United Peacekeeping Force in Mali to begin liquidation of facilities in 2024 as it ends decade decade-long mission Federal Lawmakers in Nigeria pledge more than 600 thousand US dollars to rebuild community affected by accidental drone strike last week.…