In this Pink October, there is a global effort to raise awareness of breast cancer. At West Africa Democracy Radio, we are not leaving any stone unturned as this month on Welbodi, we will be discussing different areas of the disease, including early identification and signs and symptoms associated, innovations relating treatment of breast cancer.
These will be our focus for the next few editions of the program, wellbodi.
Each week, Wellbodi will highlight what it is like for those diagnosed with the second deadliest cancer for women in West Africa.
Now, it’s no gain saying that cancer has remained a predominant illness and continues to impact the lives of millions.
According to the International Journal on Cancer, an earlier study in West Africa (Mali and The Gambia) had described a more rapid breast cancer incidence rate among women aged 55 and below.
Breast cancer has left many women across the subregion devastated, with ripple effects on their families and communities.