It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

Guinea Bissau

NewsLink 2023- 11- 13 Third Edition

Senegalese Electoral Commission (CENA) Introduces New Leadership Team Ahead of February 25 Presidential Election. Malian Army resumes counter-offensive operation against former rebels in Kidal after a deadly fight on Saturday. Political campaigning activities in Liberia end ahead of the November…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 07 Third Edition

The Malian continues an aerial offensive against former rebels in Kidal to reclaim the MINUSMA base. Togo agrees to mediate between Niger and the international community as ECOWAS economic sanctions weigh in on Nigeriens. Several Civil Society organisations from across…

NewsLink 2023 – 06 – 05 First Edition

And in Guinea Bissau, the counting of votes from Sunday’s parliamentary elections is underway. At the end of the process at most by Tuesday, winners will be certified by the electoral commission for 102 seats at the National People’s Assembly.…