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It's you speaking!


The role of CSOs in mining communities

Civil society organizations have played an important role in enhancing transparency and good governance in developing countries’ mining sector. A member of Civil Society, in Nigeria’s Plateau State, Pam Fulus Chomo, says CSOs operate on three principles to include, participation,…

Residents of a slum near Abuja lack development

With a population of nearly two hundred million people, Nigeria, like many developing countries is struggling to cater to the needs of its citizens despite being the premier economic powerhouse in Africa. More than 10 million children in the country…

Author Anna Badkhen on Daybreak West Africa

Anna Badkhen has spent most of her life in the Global South. Her immersive investigations of the world's iniquities have yielded six books of literary nonfiction. Her essays and dispatches appear in periodicals and literary magazines such as the New…

Carl Oshodi on the benefits and challenges of the AfCFTA

Despite the ratification of African Continental Free Trade Area agreement, the readiness of countries for the free trade opportunity is being impacted by the economic effect of COVID-19 pandemic, among others. As contained in Article 23 of the agreement establishing…

ACEP’s Benjamin Boakye talks to WADR

West Africa like many countries in the world is endowed with abundant mineral resources but many of its member states remain underdeveloped and their citizens remain poor. Experts in the region say unless regional countries adopt a strategic approach of…

The challenges of women in mining in Ghana

Women in miningface similar problems aswomenin any other technicalindustry. The lack of skills, due partly to lack of interest, prejudice and cultural restrictions, combine to rob this huge portion of the nation's human capital from development and application. In this report,…