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Cote d’Ivoire

NewsLink 2023- 07 – 20 Third Edition

The United Nations Resident Coordinator in Liberia— Christine Umotoni, is calling on the government of Liberia to invest more in the fisheries sector which she described as a catalyst to the growth of the nation’s economy. The country currently has…

ENVIROSCOPE – Environmental Diseases

As I said, we are taking a look at the relationship between environmental diseases and the population in this episode of the program. Disease interconnections between populations (animals or plants), behaviour, and the physical world including factors related to habitat.…

NewsLink 2023- 07 – 19 Third Edition

Let’s begin this edition of the bulletin with a call for African leaders to unite in achieving goals including tackling challenges such as insecurity. President Macky Sall who arrived in Uganda on a two-day state visit Tuesday has called on…

NewsLink 2023- 07 – 18 Third Edition

Meanwhile, the inflation rate in Nigeria rose for the sixth month in a row in June, to 22.79% year-on-year from 22.41% in May, putting pressure on the central bank to tighten policy further when it meets to set interest rates…

NewsLink 2023- 07- 18 Second Edition

Victims and families of victims of demonstrations in Guinea demand the immediate extradition of Former President Conde to face justice. The coordination centre in Niger confirms a drop in terror attacks. Some Ghanaians and other African staff laid off by…

NewsLink 2023- 07 – 17 Third Edition

Let us now turn to the 43rd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union in Nairobi. And this statement by Antonio Pedro, Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa. In his view, Africa should harness…

NewsLink 2023 – 14 – 17 First Edition

ECOWAS Chair President Tinubu briefs African Union AU of efforts to promote democracy and deepen governance. Senegalese Members of Parliament to Vote on a crucial electoral amendment bill this morning. Liberia’s Electoral Umpire ends the nomination process for candidates ahead…

NewsLink 2023- 14- 07 Second Edition

In Burkina Faso, the government said it is awaiting a response from the Ghanaian authorities on its recent repatriation of its citizens who fled conflict to seek refuge in the country. According to the Minister for Humanitarian Action Nandy Somé,…

NewsLink 2023 – 14 – 07 First Edition

A recently published report by Human Rights Watch indicates civilians in northern Mali, are facing alarming levels of violence. The report highlights cases of murder, sexual abuse, and looting perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, resulting in a significant displacement of…

NewsLink 2023 – 13 – 07 First Edition

More on weather-related story…At least 30 people have died from floods and landslides in Côte d’Ivoire since the start of rain in early April. The Ivorian government spokesman Amadou Coulibaly said the situation reflects the very intense rainy season, being…

NewsLink 2023- 07 – 12 Third Edition

Senegalese Government disputes reported 300 migrants lost at sea A Coalition of CSOs in Nigeria call for stringent measure in tackling corruption Liberian Parliament sanctions minister of works for lying under oath. A coalition of Bondholders in Ghana Suspend Finance…