It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!


ENVIROSCOPE – Assessing the Water Crisis

Across the world, 2.2 billion people still live without access to safe drinking water while another 3.5 billion lack access to decent sanitation – a situation the global organization, UN says is challenging. This year’s UN report on World Water…

ENVIROSCOPE – The Sahel Food Crisis

Today’s package focuses on the Sahel, a region with dire projections of mass food insecurity emanating from the combined effect of protracted conflict, climate change, and global crisis. Food insecurity is defined as ‘when people do not have adequate physical…

ENIVIROSCOPE – Solid Waste and Neighborhoods

The issue of solid waste in most countries of the subregion and beyond constitutes a major threat to public health with a wide chain of repercussions affecting humans, plants and biodiversity. According to research, Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone…

ENVIROSCOPE – Green Energy Solution

This episode’s theme focuses on the Green Energy solution, an issue more than ever before taking centre stage as Global energy experts, climate activists and environmentalists advocate a just transition from traditional to eco-friendly sources. The desire is increasingly being…

ENVIROSCOPE – Environmental Governance

The global discussion in 2024 is expected to open packed with unfolding and developing events from 2023, says the World Economic Forum in its Global Risk Report for the year. Looking back at the events last year, plenty of developments…

ENVIROSCOPE – 2024 In Focus

On today’s package, 2024 in Focus, we will bring a few major pointers by experts from the previous year which we believe will shape discussion around issues on climate change within and outside the subregion. Now, are we talking about…