50-50 EPISODE 176 – Gender and Digitalization _ What are the opportunities available for men and women

Princess Marilyn Douala Manga Bell is a senior member of the Bell royal family in Southern Cameroon, and she is our Woman of the Month! In this episode, we get to know her more and learn about her childhood, love,…
In this episode of 50/50, we wrap up that conversation on unpaid work and the gender gap by speaking to Dr. Muriel Ametoglo, an economist and regional feminist at UNWOMEN, about what countries need to do, to redistribute unpaid work…
Unpaid care work includes household duties such as cooking, cleaning, water and fuel collection, child care, or elder care, essentially, these domestic duties are essential to a well-functioning society and economy, but they are often overlooked and women and girls…
Ida Faal is one of The Gambia’s most successful female auto mechanics. She was ranked among Africa’s top 100 most influential Female engineers in 2021 and the Positive Role Model Champion for West Africa 2022 by Africa Engage. On this…
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF notes that Investing in girls’ education transforms communities, countries and the entire world. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives.…
In this episode of 50/50, program host, Atiewin Mbillah-Lawson and her guests, discuss whether gender plays a role in how parents educate their children in Liberia and in The Gambia. The program also explores how the recent coups in West…
In this episode of 50/50, we delve deeper into the topic of girl child education by looking at the ongoing basic education certificate examinations in Ghana where girl’s candidates are outnumbering the boy candidates. Also, we explore girls in STEM…
In this episode of 50/50, we discuss two topics, body dysmorphic disorder and ageism which are impacted by evolving beauty trends and mainly affect women. We bring you a report on ageism and speak to Dr. Daniel Fordjour – a clinical psychologist with…
Studies suggest that women tend to accept cosmetic surgery more readily than men because of higher expectations regarding their physical appearance. However, male cosmetic procedures are steadily on the rise. In this episode of 50/50, we explore the plastic surgery…
In this episode of 50/50, we start a series on evolving beauty trends and standards by discussing makeup, skincare, and hair care with Ella, a beautician, make-up artist, and the owner of Shuga Beauty bar in Ghana, and her counterpart,…
Every year, June 15 represents World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. A day set aside to raise voices against the abuse and suffering inflicted on older people – many of these elders are women! The Guardians of the Gray Masters Foundation-Ghana…