It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

October 6, 2023

NewsLink 2023- 10- 06 Third Edition

Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara Shakes Up Government, as he removes Prime Minister Achi and Dissolves Cabinet. Burkina Faso and Iran Forge Strategic Partnership with Eight Cooperation Agreements. Ghana’s Education Sector Grapples with Teacher Exodus Due to Harsh Working Conditions. TEASER…

NewsLink 2023- 10- 06 Second Edition

• A Civil Society group in Senegal rasises concern of righs and freedom suppression ahead of the country’s Presidential election in 2024. • The Burkinabe Government declares Late Revolutionary Leader Captain Thomas Sankara a National Hero. • The United Nations…

NewsLink 2023- 10- 06 First Edition

• The Burkinabe Government Suspends Eleven Senior Military Personnel in an ongoing investigation into the failed Coup Attempt. • Niger’s interim Prime Minister Lamine Zeine Visits Malian military head of government Assimi Goita for Talks on Economic, Security, and Energy…