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NewsLink 2024- 01- 04 First Edition

ECOWAS Proposes Nigeria for Ex-President Koroma’s Relocation as Sierra Leone Charges him with Treason. Yewwi Askanwi Coalition Gains Visibility Amid Senegal’s Constitutional Council Candidates Sponsorships Reviews. Mali’s Permanent Strategic Framework Rejects Goïta’s Inter-Malian Dialogue, Marking an End to the Algiers…

NewsLink 2024- 01- 03 Third Edition

The Sierra Leonean government charges over a dozen individuals for treason. Tuareg Separatists Reject Junta Proposed ‘Inter-Malian’ Peace Dialogue In Niger, Pressure group M62 Welcomes French Embassy closure Tanker explosion death toll in Liberia spikes to 70, with Dozens hospitalized…

NewsLink 2024- 01- 02 Third Edition

Newly Appointed Chadian Prime Minister Masra unveils a cabinet of 30 ministers and 11 secretaries of state. France closes its embassy in Niamey till further notice following a deterioration in diplomatic relations with Niger. Mali’s Transitional President Launches Inter-Malian Dialogue…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 29 Third Edition

The Russian Federation reopens its embassy in Burkina Faso after three decades of non-operation. Chadian Supreme Court Upholds Military Junta’s New Constitution After Referendum Validation. Mali’s interim Government Cites Livestock Export Ban as Cause for Revenue Decline Amid ECOWAS and…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 29 Second Edition

The Senegalese Constitutional Council begins screening of over ninety presidential candidates ahead of the 2024 elections. Cote D’Ivoire guarantees Guinea a 50 million litres monthly supply of petrol following the depot explosion. International partners of Liberia commend the electoral commission…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 24 Third Edition

The Nigerien junta briefs on General Abdourahamane Tiani’s visit to Bamako and Ouagadougou to strengthen security and economic ties. The Ivorian government announces its readiness to welcome former Prime Minister Soro exiled in France. The Chadian Presidency grants Amnesty to…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 09 Second Edition

Authorities in Mali say its Army position hit two abandoned UN armoured vehicles seized by terrorists Nigeria’s President Tinubu Signs 10.46 billion USD 2023 Supplementary Budget into Law. Resistance Mounts Against Chad’s Constitutional Referendum as Opposition Calls for Process Suspension.…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 09 First Edition

Nigeria’s President Tinubu Signs 10.46 billion USD 2023 Supplementary Budget into Law. Resistance Mounts Against Chad’s Constitutional Referendum as Opposition Calls for Process Suspension. Ghana’s Electoral Commission Seeks Withdrawal of New Constituency Proposal Ahead of 2024 Elections. WADR · NewsLink…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 03 Third Edition

Nigeria’s parliament rejects $6m presidential Yacht purchase amid economic crisis. Chadian Opposition Leader Succes Masra Returns Back Home After Year-Long Exile. Ghana’s Ruling NPP Stands Firm on Flagbearer Aspirants Signing Commitment to Party Loyalty ahead of national primaries. Senegal’s Pasteur…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 02 Third Edition

The African Union Calls on U.S. Congress to Extend Flagship Trade Program for Continent by at Least 10 Years. African Heads of State Partner with Italian Government to Combat Illegal Migration Boosting Energy Cooperation Amnesty International Report Exposes Insurgent Blockade…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 01 Third Edition

United Nations peacekeepers depart rebel stronghold in northern Mali as violence increases Niamey appeal court prosecutor confirms escape attempt by deposed president Bazoum Nigerian President Tinubu threatens to fire under-performing Ministers Outcry heightens in Ghana over the creation of new…

NewsLink 2023- 09- 29 Second Edition

Ghana’s Attorney General has criticized the judiciary for the delay in the prosecution and conclusion of high-profile criminal cases describing it as unfair and unjust. Ghana has in recent years had many politically exposed cases seeing several postponements, with some…