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Sierra Leone

NewsLink 2023- 09- 19 Second Edition

In Liberia, Police authorities have arrested and are investigating an American national, Lucas Richards, on allegations of Criminal Attempt to Commit Murder and Aggravated Assault. The American national who doubles as a missionary was arrested after he slit the throat…

NewsLink 2023- 09- 18 Third Edition

•The Burkinabe neutralize several terrorists in the eastern and central-eastern regions of the country. •The Ivorian Ministry of Defence opens an investigation in the security sector over reports of racketeering and extortion of hundreds of millions of CFA francs from…

NewsLink 2023- 09- 18 Second Edition

Ahead of the conduct of the October 10 presidential and legislative elections in Liberia, the National Elections Commission is assuring a credible and transparent election that reflects the will of the people. However, the Chairperson of the Commission, Davidetta Browne…


The causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown. But certain things can increase your risk of developing the condition. The chances of developing prostate cancer increase as you get older. Most cases develop in men aged 50 or older. Let’s…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 15 Third Edition

We begin this edition of the news in Burkina Faso, where a dozen civilians were killed midweek in an attack on a camp for displaced persons in the north of the country. According to security sources, the attack was carried…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 14 Third Edition

We cross over now to Nigeria, where In response to the persistent armed attacks, particularly targeting religious communities in the North Western region, the Kaduna State Police Command met with religious leaders representing the 23 Local Government Areas within the…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 13 Third Edition

The Liberian population is outraged after the arrest of the country’s Airport Chief Security— Samuel Freeman for smuggling prohibited substances into the country. Freeman was arrested by soldiers of the Liberian Armed Forces shortly after he smuggled the drugs out…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 12 Third Edition

The World Food Programme, WFP on Tuesday warned that Millions of people risk reaching the verge of famine due to the significant reduction in rations distribution. It said it had already been forced to make massive reductions in almost half…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 11 Third Edition

We are back again in Senegalese on an environmental development which has the government speeding up efforts to restore regions of the country in the Sahel. To achieve this target, an agency it founded in 2019 known as the Great…

NewsLink 2023- 09 – 08 Third Edition

•The United Nations rings the alarm on violations committed by the regional bloc – ECOWAS and France against Niger. •Suspected terrorists attack an army base in Gao as the Transitional authority declares three days of national mourning. •The United States…

NewsLink 2023- 09- 08 Second Edition

A new study by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), has revealed that Nigeria has suffered a colossal loss of approximately 100 billion from 2008 to 2022. The loss is due to the long-standing crisis in the North East region…