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Sierra Leone

NewsLink 2023- 12- 12 Second Edition

The United Peacekeeping Force in Mali to begin liquidation of facilities in 2024 as it ends decade decade-long mission Dakar Court of first instance Reopens Osman Sonko’s Eligibility Case Ahead of 2024 Election. Federal Lawmakers in Nigeria pledge more than…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 12 First Edition

The United Peacekeeping Force in Mali to begin liquidation of facilities in 2024 as it ends decade decade-long mission Federal Lawmakers in Nigeria pledge more than 600 thousand US dollars to rebuild community affected by accidental drone strike last week.…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 11 Third Edition

Nigerien Junta leader General Abdourhamane Tiani reaffirms his government’s determination to remove Nigeriens out of poverty despite sanctions. Captain Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso underscores his achievements on the country 63rd anniversary UN Mission in Mali Concludes Operations Today Amid…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 08 Third Edition

ECOWAS Heads of State and governments to convene in Abuja for the December 10 Summit amid tense subregional context. Reporters Without Borders RSF calls on Malian authorities to secure the release of two abducted journalists. Delayed parliamentary elections in Togo…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 08 Second Edition

The Sierra Leonean Police invites Opposition Leader Ernest Bai Koroma for questioning in connection with the November 26 failed coup. A civil society platform, WADEMOS holds a two-day workshop on tenure elongation in West Africa and its impact on democracy.…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 07 Third Edition

The Nigerian Army reveals a higher death of 127 people killed in Sunday’s accidental drone strike in Kaduna. The ECOWAS Court of Justice dismisses a case filed by the Junta in Niamey Challenging the legality of sanctions imposed on Niger.…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 06 Third Edition

Mauritania And Chad Discuss Possible Dissolution G5 SAHEL Security operative in Sierra Leone arrests Former president Koroma’s bodyguard over failed coup Ghanain Government earmarks GH¢400m for tourism sector UN Women in Liberia Calls for Heightened Police Action Against Sexual and…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 05 Third Edition

Local and international organizations call for a probe of the accidental drone strike in Nigeria that killed nearly a hundred civilians including women and children. Authorities in Sierra Leone announce 43 new arrests in connection with the November 26 coup…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 05 Second Edition

Nigeria’s President Tinubu orders a probe into Army drone Strike that killed 85 and injured over 66 in Kaduna A Nouakchott Court sentences former President Mohammed Ould AbdulAzeex to five years in prison after months of trial. Nigerien Junta Receives…

NewsLink 2023- 12- 04 Third Edition

Guinea Bissau National Peoples Assembly faces dissolution in the aftermath of the December 1 attempted coup. The Sierra Leone government to go hard on perpetrators and collaborators of the Second failed power grab that killed 26 people. Unidentified men abduct…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 29 Third Edition

ECOWAS Commission Chooses Togo and Benin for Phase 2 of FRSD to Counter Spillover Effects of Violent Terrorist Attacks. Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission Sets Deadline for Outgoing Officials to Declare their Assets by December 12. Civil Society Calls for Reorganization to…

NewsLink 2023- 11- 29 Second Edition

Sierra Leone confirms a second failed coup attempt against President Bio since the June 24 general elections. Mali’s Public Prosecutor opens judiciary enquiry against a dozen individuals including alleged terrorist leaders in the northern region. The Senegalese Navy makes record…