It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!

Our Partners


OSIWA, and other valued partners of WADR


OSIWA as the founder and funder of the radio constitutes the most committed and the most valued partner of WADR. Since its establishment, WADR receives institutional support from OSIWA for its functions and investments. WADR however has an autonomous management although it still receives support from its institutional donor.


  • Ford Foundation
  • German Federal Foreign Office through its embassy in Dakar
  • Plan International
  • Save The Children West and Central Africa Office
  • OXFAM International
  • United Nations Development Group in Senegal on the 16 days activism against Gender based violence
  • WaterAid
  • Action Against Hunger
  • UN Women
  • ENDA Senegal
  • La Francophonie

Partner Radio Stations

WADR is partners with different community level radio stations

Benin – Radio FM Nonsina (Bébéréké) 90.8 MHz, Radio Alakétou (Ketou) 95.8 MHz, La Voix de la Lama (Allada) 103.8 MHz, Aîta FM (Ouesse) 97.7 MHz, Nanto FM (Natintigou) 96.3 MHz

Burkina Faso – Radio Munyu (Banfora) 95.2 MHz, Radio Zama FM (Kaya) 106.5 MHz, Radio Tintua (N’gourma) 105.9 MHz, Radio Salaki (Dedougou) 100.1fm

Côte d’Ivoire – Radio Bien Etre (Abidjan) Fm 94.0 Mhz Radio Daloa 103.7 MHz, Man fm 96.6MHZ, Radio Yopougon (Abidjan) 96.8fm, Radio Saphir fm (Bouaké) 106.9 fm

The Gambia – Kaira Nyining Community Radio (Kuloro) 107.9 MHz, Brikama Community Radio 96.8 MHz, Taxi FM Greater Banjul Area (Sukuta) 100.7 MHz, Bansang Community Radio 107.2 MHz, Farafeni Community Radio 99.9 MHz,     Hot Fm Greater Banjul Area (Bakau)104.3 MHz, Paradise radio Greater Banjul Area (Kanifing) 105.5 MHz, Kerewan Community Radio 100.5 MHz

Ghana – Radio Pad (Northern Region) 95.1 mhz, Focus FM (Amansie, Ashanti Region) 94.3 MHz, Radio Royals (Wenchi) 104.7 MHz, Zebs FM 95.9 mhz, W93.5FM (Wa, Upper West Region) 93.5fm, Radio Ada 93.3 MHz

Guinea – GPP FM (Mamou) 97.2fm, Kaniazik FM (Kindia)107.0fm, GPP FM (Labé) 97.2fm, Emergence FM (N’Zérékoré) 101.7 FM, Lynx FM (Conakry) 91.0 fm

Liberia – Radio Gbarnga    (Bong County) 96.5fm, Radio Kergheamahn (Ganta, Nimba Country) 94.5fm, Magic FM (Grand Bassa County) 99.3fm, Radio Kintoma (Lofa County) 101.1 fm, Alternative Youth Radio (Lofa County) 98.9 MHz, Prime Fm (Monrovia) 105.5 fm

Mali – Radio Benkan (Bamako)     97.10 MHz,   Radio Ikafm          (Bamako) 93.5 fm, Radio Jamana (Koulikoro) 103.9 fm, Radio Foko (Ségou) 100.8 fm, Radio Koussan (Yanfolila) 107.00 fm, Radio Jamana Mopti 98.3 MHz, Radio Jamana Tombouctou 100.6 MHz

Niger – Radio Alternative Diffa    Haoussa (Zinder) 99.4 MHz, Radio Alternative Haoussa (Agadez) 99.4fm, Radio Alternative Niamey 94.4 fm,      Radio Goudel (Niamey) 99Mhz, Radio Albanna (Niamey) 95.1fm, Radio Baarou (Ouallam) Radio Ama FM (Tillabéri)

Nigeria – Agba Community Radio, Choice FM (Oju LGA Headquaters) 93.3fm, Aso Radio (Abuja) 93.5fm, Ejulene Community Radio 93.7FM, Ayejumelo Igobdigo 93.7 FM,  Kakaki Ondo Community Radio 100.1FM (Ondo Town), KTFM 103.9 Jos (Plateau State) 103.9 MHz, Lavun Community Radio 95.5FM (Kutigi Town) 95.5FM, Nasarawa Broadcasting Service  (Nasarawa State) 92.5FM, Nenzit Community Radio 100.5 FM (Farman), BRTV          Maiduguri, (Borno State) 95.3 MHz,       Salama Radio (Kafanchan – Kaduna State)           98.1MHz, Crystal Radio (Minna, Niger State) 91.2 MHz   

Senegal – Bambilor FM (Dakar Derriére le foyer de Bambilor) 100.4MHz, Bamtaaré FM (St. Louis / Podor) 103.4 MHz, Baobab FM (Dakar), Gadec Beetawe fm (Tambacounda) 88.5FM, Cayar FM (Thies – Mairie de Cayar) 89.1MHz, Cenner FM (Dakar Colobane derriére Ambassade Mauritanie) 88.6MHz, Espérance FM (Dakar), Giggi Sembe (Saraya) 96.6FM, Jenku FM (Kolda) 103.9 MHz, Jokko FM (Dakar – Mairie de Rufisque a Côté de la  Sonatel) 97.7.MHz, Kafountine FM (Ziguinchor – Bignona) 94.1 MHz, Kambeng FM (Medina Wandifa  -Sédhiou) 92.7MHz, Kédougou FM (Kédougou) 106.4 MHz, Mbour FM (Thies Château d’eau nord rte de l’hopital) 96.5 MHz, Ndar FM (St. Louis)101.1 MHz, Ndef Leng FM (Dakar – Benn Tally) 93.4MHz, Niayes FM (Mboro – Thiès) 91.2MHz, Oxyjeunes FM (Dakar -Pikine Tally boubess)103.4MHz, Radio Manoore (Dakar Centre Bopp) 89.4MHz, Rail Bi FM (Dakar Pikine guinaw rail    ) 101.3 MHz, Renndo fm (Mbour), FM 91.1, Sabougnouma FM (Sabodale -Kédougou), Safina FM (Dakar – Scatt Urbam) 98.2 MHz, Salndu FM (Thilogne  – Matam) 88.3MHz, SofaniamaFM (Ziguinchor) 100 MHz, Tabadian FM (Gouloumbou -Tambacounda)94MHz, Tewdu fm (Diaobe) 94.0 MHz, Timtimol (Ourossogui) FM 91.9MHz,  Afia FM (Grand Yoff Dakar) 93MHz

Togo  – Radio Solidarité (Kaboli)107.3 MHz, Radio Zéphyr (Lomé)92.3 MHz, Radio Binah FM (Pagouda) 88.9 MHz, (Radio Communautaire des Savanes Depaong) 102.5 MHz, Radio Mokpokpo (Afanyagan) 90.9 MHz



The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) – part of the global network of Open Society Foundations – is the founder and primary funder of WADR. The organization operates in ten West African countries, namely Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Senegal, with offices in five of them.

OSIWA plays a dual role in the region as both an advocate and a grant-maker, allowing it to shape the agenda both within and alongside other organizations working on the ground. The foundation operates through a unique combination of grant-making, advocacy, partnership-building, and technical assistance.