Revived from the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to the African Union (AU) in 2001, the African Union (AU), an international organization comprising all 54 independent states in Africa and Western Sahara, aims to promote regional integration, interstate solidarity, peace, good governance while enhancing the African voice in the global system.
Despite some strides made on the continent, the role of the African Union in mediating Electoral disputes for a peaceful transition of power in member states has heavily been questioned, as it has been silenced on many developments affecting the political stability of in the sub-region.
On our debate edition of Citizens Hour, we engaged the thoughts of governance expert and legal practitioners Dr, Ibrahima Kane and Ecowas and AU policy analyst Emmanuel Bensah
Our guests collectively admitted that the African Union ought to be proactive in many political uprisings that could potentially cause political destabilization in various countries.