It's you speaking!

It's you speaking!


Marital Regime – Monogamy or Polygamy?

Monogamy vs. Polygamy are two different approaches to relationships that people strongly believe in. Some believe that monogamy, where one person commits to one partner for life, is the ideal model for building trust and deep emotional connections. Others, however,…


On our Guest Segment today, we will be speaking to a young Liberian woman—Vickjune Excel Wutoh, Founder of the Initiative for Youth Empowerment and Economic Development – IYEED Inc., which is an economic empowerment hub that promotes gender equality through…

Effects of Youth Unemployment

According to the United Nations, Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 30. Such a high number of young people is an opportunity for the continent’s growth, as Youth employment…