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NewsLink 2024- 09- 20 Third Edition

Senegal’s Customs Service announces major seizure of Prohibited drugs valued at over one million U.S. dollars. Guinea reinforces vigilance and surveillance measures around the Conakry Central Prison to prevent future jailbreaks. Civil Societies and Political actors in Ghana react to…

TAKE THE LEAD Young People in Fashion and Modelling

In today’s fashion-conscious world, young people have become a driving force in the ever-evolving realm of style and trends. The attraction of the fashion industry has captivated the hearts and aspirations of countless young individuals, leading them to explore various…

NewsLink 2024- 09- 20 Second Edition

•Mixed Reactions Greet the Gambia’s decision to Send military Troops to Sierra Leone •Senegal’s Customs Service announces major seizure of Prohibited drugs value over 600 million CFA Francs •Civil Societies and Political actors in Ghana react to call for an…

Sierra Leone reopens aircraft registry after 15 years

Sierra Leone has reopened its aircraft registry, allowing aircrafts to land safely at Freetown International Airport, Lungi.  The registration process is now free of charge and has already started for aviation companies. This is the first time since 2008 that…

NewsLink 2024- 09- 20 First Edition

Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI) to announce its presidential candidate for the October 2025 elections. Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo Signs Gender Equity Bill into Law In the Gambia, Mixed Reactions Greet Decision to Send Troops to Sierra Leone

NewsLink 2024- 09- 19 Third Edition

Former Guinean Army Chief Colonel Claude Pivi extradited to Conakry Central Prison to serve a life Sentence Senegalese President Faye announces a special budget program “Prevention and fight against irregular migration The International Criminial Court, ICC to close its office…