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It's you speaking!

July 12, 2024

NewsLink 2024- 07- 12 Third Edition

12 persons killed and 70 others trapped in school building collapse in plateau state – northcentral Nigeria. Regional Administrative head of The Tillaberi region in Niger imposes curfew after a jailbreak freed an unknown number of inmates including terrorists. The…

Impact of Online Or E-Reputation

An online reputation, or e-reputation, is the reputation of a company, person, product, service or any other element on the Internet and digital platforms. This online reputation is impacted by the content an individual or organization distributes, the reactions of…

NewsLink 2024- 07- 12 Second Edition

•Dozens of inmates escape high-security prison in Niger •Nigeria’s Labor Unions meet President Tinubu over new minimum wage •France denies operating a military base in Benin •And, Liberian Government receives over one hundred million U.S. dollars to straighten the fight…