I am Tofik Abdul Nasir, and this is In The Sahel, WADR’s weekly program, dedicated to delivering quality and pertinent information across the continent.
Last Week’s episode was on Regional and Multilateral Approaches to Fight Insecurity.
Today, we delve deep into the Intelligence gathering and the role of regional players in Promoting peace. Instead of relying solely on external narratives, we shall explore this topic from an African perspective, grounding our discussions in the realities, and solutions that emanate from within.
Effective intelligence gathering and involvement of regional players are crucial for addressing challenges in promoting peace in Africa’s Sahel region.
The African Union (AU) and ECOWAS actively work towards stability in the Sahel with the pan–African organization’s 55 member states, seeking cooperation to address common challenges.
ECOWAS, with 15 West African countries, focuses on economic integration and peacekeeping.
Question being asked are, do regional entities use intelligence gathering for their goals? How do security operatives respond to terrorist threats when citizens seek help?
And to answer these questions and more are Melvin Ejeh a regional security expert, and Morgan Asogba An International Relations expert.
Hello, gentlemen welcome to the program.